
Canva is a web-based design application for creating visually appealing graphics, presentations, posters, and other visual content. It provides a variety of pre-designed themes, graphics, symbols, and fonts that users may alter to meet their own needs. Canva is well-known for its user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop capability, which make it usable even by users with little to no design knowledge. Canva makes it simple to create professional-looking visuals for a variety of applications, such as social media posts, marketing materials, infographics, and more. You can use it in order to prepare presentations for your lessons as a teacher or as a student. Like I said, it enables you to easily prepeare presentations, graphics and symbols, you don't have to stress about these anymore.


A number of study tools and resources are available on the online learning platform Quizlet to assist students in studying and reviewing various subjects. To improve learning and retention, it provides interactive study tools including games, quizzes, and flashcards. Users have the option of creating their own study sets or using a wide collection of study materials already created by other users. Additionally, Quizlet has features like image uploads, voice pronunciation, and possibilities for group learning. Both educators and students frequently utilize it to complement classroom instruction, go over information, and get ready for tests. I study ELT in Istanbul Unıversity and in first grade we used to use this app for our Lexicology lesson, in order to remember morphemes and roots easily. It helped us back then. You can use it in that way or how you like & need. 


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